USAID – Small Business Subcontracting Reporting Requirement (for USAID Contractors)

USID prime contractors whose awards contain a small business subcontracting should plan to conduct the required reporting in the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS), available at Contractors must comply with the requirements in the FAR 52.219-9 (“Small Business Subcontracting Plan”) clause found in their contract, as applicable. Why? Because small businesses are an important part of the USAID … [Read more…]

USAID – What is the eSRS system?, which stands for Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System, is the official site for the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System. The use of eSRS promises to create higher visibility for federal contracting officials (aka COs and OSDBU) who need to access and review subcontracting reports and introduce efficiency into the process of gathering information on federal subcontracting … [Read more…]

USAID – What is the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS)?

The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) is the reporting tool Federal prime awardees (i.e. prime contractors and prime grants recipients) use to capture and report subaward and executive compensation data regarding their first-tier subawards to meet the FFATA reporting requirements. Prime contract awardees will report against sub-contracts awarded and prime grant awardees will report against … [Read more…]

What is NICRA?

NICRA stands for Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreements (NICRA). The NICRA is a document published to reflect an estimate of indirect cost rate negotiated between the Federal Government and a Grantee/Contractor’s organization which reflects the indirect costs (facilities and administrative costs) & fringe benefit expenses incurred by the organization that will be the same across … [Read more…]

USAID – SENEGAL: Request For Information / Demande de renseignement: USAID Sahel Resilience

USAID is starting the design of a new regional resilience activity for the Sahel in Burkina Faso, Chad, The Gambia, and Mauritania. The USAID/Senegal/Sahel Regional Office is reaching out to stakeholders and interested parties to obtain comments and suggestions in order to incorporate relevant information, local perspectives and experiences, and innovative approaches to support this … [Read more…]

U.S. Government Launches USAID Youth Empowerment Activity in Western Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan

On March 30 in Wau, USAID Mission Director for South Sudan Kate Crawford launched the USAID Youth Empowerment Activity, a four-year, $43.5 million initiative that will help youth in South Sudan—including girls and young women—gain knowledge and skills that will enable them to lead healthy, engaged, and productive lives. It will empower a diverse group of … [Read more…]

How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine? Here Are Six Charts.

Every year, the United States sends billions of dollars in aid—and much more than any other country—to beneficiaries around the world in pursuit of its security, economic, and humanitarian interests.  Heading into 2022, U.S. foreign assistance was driven by various priorities of the Biden administration, including combating climate change, responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and … [Read more…]

USAID Definitions (jargon) – Consultant, contract, contractor, grant, subaward, etc.

A consultant is an individual with specialized skills who, although not on theorganization’s payroll as an employee, provides personal services to the organization under anagreement/contract which establishes an employer-employee relationship between the organizationand the individual providing the services. Consultants are typically individuals who areexperts with excellent qualifications and are usually regarded as authorities or practitionersof … [Read more…]