OMB Enacts Major Revisions to “Uniform Guidance” (2 CFR 200): In-Depth Analysis

IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE REQUIREMENTS, DON’T TAKE THE MONEY! These revisions pertain solely to assistance awards (cooperative agreements, grants) and is not applicable to acquisition awards (contracts). How did we get there?December 26, 2013 – The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued final guidance titled “Uniform Guidance”April 22, 2024 OMB Issued the latest … [Read more…]

USAID Acquisition awards – USAID Amended the Regulation to Incorporate New IT Security Contract Clause

USAID has issued a final rule amending its acquisition regulation to incorporate a new contract clause related to information security and IT resources that support the agency’s operations and assets. The revisions to the USAID Acquisition Regulation, or AIDAR, is in effect since May 20 to provide increased oversight and management of contractors providing IT … [Read more…]

USAID 2024 MEL Conference

The call for concept notes for the “Pathways to Localization” 2024 MEL Conference is fast approaching! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to share how you have utilized MEL or CLA to design, adapt, or sustain locally-driven solutions! Due Date: June 4, 2024. MORE

USAID Contractor Resigns After Presentation on Maternal & Child Mortality in Gaza Canceled

In a broadcast exclusive, Democracy Now! speaks with Alex Smith, a former contractor with the U.S. Agency for International Development who resigned in protest over the Biden’s administration’s support for the war on Gaza. Smith worked as a senior adviser on gender, maternal health, child health and nutrition at USAID until last week, when he … [Read more…]

Thailand-U.S. Trade & Investment Conference 2024

AMCHAM Thailand, the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are pleased to invite you to the Thailand-US Trade and Investment Conference, designed to bring together an elite audience of potential US investors, US companies with longstanding operations in Thailand, key Thai government stakeholders, and Thai private sector representatives. Building on a … [Read more…]

USAID – UNRWA Payment Restrictions

USAID contractors and grant recipients were alerted to a new restriction in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, effective March 23, 2024 (available here). Title III of Division G of the Act prohibits USAID funds from being used for any contribution, grant, or other payment to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). This … [Read more…]

Responsibility to Report USAID Funds Transmitted to UNRWA

Promptly report all information or allegations that USAID funds have been distributed or otherwise transmitted to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). USAID implementing partners (i.e., nongovernmental organizations, contractors, and UN agencies/public international organizations) are required to disclose allegations involving potential misuse of USAID funds, whether intentional or inadvertent, to USAID’s Office of … [Read more…]

2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards

The current implementation of 2 CFR 200 by each federal agency remains in effect until their adoption of the 2024 revisions. Six subparts to 2 CFR 200:– Subpart A: Acronyms and Definitions– Subpart B: General Provisions– Subpart C: Pre-Federal awards Requirements and contents of federal Awards– Subpart D: Post-Federal Award Requirements– Subpart E: Cost Principles– … [Read more…]

2 CFR Final Rule Publication

The revisions to Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) were recently published in Federal Register. USG agencies (including USAID, the State Department and the Centers for Disease Control) must fully implement the new policies by October 1. Below we’ve outlined a few of the changes that will benefit the USAID partner community … [Read more…]