USAID will implement the revisions to 2 CFR early!

USAID’s Early Implementation of 2024 Revisions to 2 CFR Guidance for USAID’s Early Implementation of 2024 Revisions to 2 CFR USAID Letter MORE – See IPN Portal for Assistance Post #16 communication from USAID’s Senior Procurement Executive regarding USAID’s Early Implementation of 2024 Revisions to 2 CFR. ALSO SEE BELOW August 8, 2024 Subject: USAID’s Early Implementation of … [Read more…]

2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards

The current implementation of 2 CFR 200 by each federal agency remains in effect until their adoption of the 2024 revisions. Six subparts to 2 CFR 200:– Subpart A: Acronyms and Definitions– Subpart B: General Provisions– Subpart C: Pre-Federal awards Requirements and contents of federal Awards– Subpart D: Post-Federal Award Requirements– Subpart E: Cost Principles– … [Read more…]