Chemonics, a Company With a Record of Racially Discriminatory Hiring Practices?

Chemonics International contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development to support economic development projects around the globe in areas such as education, health care, and agriculture. In 2016, Chemonics International agreed to pay nearly $500,000 to settle a U.S. Department of Labor finding that the company denied jobs to qualified African-Americans. The DOL found … [Read more…]

USAID extended GHSC-PSM from November 29, 2024 to November 28, 2026

Since 2016 after being awarded a $9.5 BILLION contract (the Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM), Contract No. AID-OAA-I-15-00004), Chemonics has led USAID’s global health supply chain efforts. USAID has extended GHSC-PSM’s period of performance (PoP) from November 29, 2024 to November 28, 2026 and increase the level of effort (LOE) … [Read more…]

DRC, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania among 10 states receiving half of aid money to Africa

Ten countries – Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, DR Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Morocco, Uganda, and Niger – receive nearly half of Africa’s total ODA (46.4%). The Mo Ibrahim Foundation’s latest report, Financing Africa: where is the money? provides a comprehensive analysis of both the financial needs deemed necessary for Africa to meet its development and climate … [Read more…]

USAID Acquisition awards – USAID Amended the Regulation to Incorporate New IT Security Contract Clause

USAID has issued a final rule amending its acquisition regulation to incorporate a new contract clause related to information security and IT resources that support the agency’s operations and assets. The revisions to the USAID Acquisition Regulation, or AIDAR, is in effect since May 20 to provide increased oversight and management of contractors providing IT … [Read more…]

USAID 2024 MEL Conference

The call for concept notes for the “Pathways to Localization” 2024 MEL Conference is fast approaching! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to share how you have utilized MEL or CLA to design, adapt, or sustain locally-driven solutions! Due Date: June 4, 2024. MORE

USAID Contractor Resigns After Presentation on Maternal & Child Mortality in Gaza Canceled

In a broadcast exclusive, Democracy Now! speaks with Alex Smith, a former contractor with the U.S. Agency for International Development who resigned in protest over the Biden’s administration’s support for the war on Gaza. Smith worked as a senior adviser on gender, maternal health, child health and nutrition at USAID until last week, when he … [Read more…]

Thailand-U.S. Trade & Investment Conference 2024

AMCHAM Thailand, the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are pleased to invite you to the Thailand-US Trade and Investment Conference, designed to bring together an elite audience of potential US investors, US companies with longstanding operations in Thailand, key Thai government stakeholders, and Thai private sector representatives. Building on a … [Read more…]